It's happened so often; this old familiar feeling.
After all these years, it still stings.
There is nothing quite like knowing you've been replaced.
I hope you miss me.
It just makes me try harder, you know. To be unreplacable. irreplacable. You can replace me, its true. I hope she or he is more beautiful, more intelligent, more desirable, sexier, funnier, a better cook, a better lover, a better friend.
You always deserved the best.
After all these years, it still stings.
There is nothing quite like knowing you've been replaced.
I hope you miss me.
It just makes me try harder, you know. To be unreplacable. irreplacable. You can replace me, its true. I hope she or he is more beautiful, more intelligent, more desirable, sexier, funnier, a better cook, a better lover, a better friend.
You always deserved the best.
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