Pirate Misadventures in the Midwest

Sunday, September 14, 2008

this parody haunts me.

because I was on the great sausage gravy and biscuits quest this summer.

best biscuits and gravy (tie)
1) Runcible Spoon-blmgtn IN (meatiarian) and Shangri-La Cherokee St., Stl(made of soy bits and wheat gluten)
2) The Majestic. stl

everywhere else used powder or made them artifical or used cheap flour or bad grease or something WAS WRONG WITH THE GRAVY. IT IS FUCKING GRAVY. don't fuck with the vegan's sausage gravy, okay? she doesn't eat it often so you had better well do it right if you're going to charge her $10 for the privilege.

Do you know what its like to eat bad gravy? Like get up and leave bad; except that my cell phone never charged fast enuf and so I would wait and wait and wait and play with my food UNTIL MY PIRATED ELECTRICY HAD DONE ITZ WORK. also car? needz fuses.


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