Pirate Misadventures in the Midwest

Thursday, July 31, 2008

True. Truer. True-est.

I went to bed at about ... 9h45 p.m. Central Standard Tribe.
I woke up at 1:24 a.m. Central Standard Tribe.
Realized some folk prolly hadn't gone to sleep yet, therefore I couldn't use the interants yet. Stumbled about the cabin. Couldn't find my towel to shower. Folded back to bed. Wondered where the flashlight/sanity/sleep was.
Woke again at 5h a.m. Showered, paid rent, tried to pay the water bill, kvetched.
Quit my job at 10 a.m. Central Standard Tribe -- apparently failed to clearly communicate/hide/? Either way, they

a) were paying me about $500 less than I expected
b) I was worried about a friend in Madison in the hospital
c) and they refused to communicate expectations/provide me with a contract to sign
d) and they didn't train me, then were confused that I didn't fulfill unspoken expectations...

Finished packing and entered Bemidji, in search of food. Direct to Co-op, do not pass go. Then, direct to Brigid's Cross, where they had... on tap... omg -- ROGUE HAZELNUT FROM OREGON! It actually didn't taste good at all. But the mock chicken nugget salad made my day. Now I have two shots of espresso in my veins and all is right in the world. Also, a quantity of good sheets/curtains ready to become speed-pseudo-garb, Holy Downtown Goodwill Bemidji!

I will tell my story over beer tonight to a friend, and sleep soundly goodness knows where and then return to home base, maybe, depending on where I want to be next. ADVETURE HO! Actually, I miss my kitty. Also, my kitchen. Prolly towards the real home base...


  • At 8:44 PM, Blogger That redheaded one said…

    Drive safely hon We will feed your cats till you come back. sorry the job was not as kickass as you thought it would be.

  • At 2:11 PM, Blogger Kari Stevenson said…

    Hello darling! Thanks, I figured the concetta and kaylee had asked you to feed them.

    It is SUOOOPER DUUUPER appreciated. I know that teh Sarah G.'s had offered as well, if necessary.

    I will give BIG HUGS to your Terrafini family for you.



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