KWACS. Say it "Kaaaaay-wacks"

You've used it. If you haven't, you wish you did. If you ignored it, you've come to regret it.
Kitty Early Warning and Control.
See the military version here:
If you chose to not pay attention when your kitteh tells you, "don't date this guy/girl" -- you will, oh you will come to regret it.
Kitteh knows best. Bettah than momma.
At 11:28 AM,
Unknown said…
So much faith in such a little creature! Are there no exceptions to this rule? And, you must admit, there are some bundles of fur only inclined to respond to their "mother" or "father" rather than other parties intruding upon it's comfortable life full of your undivided attention. Hmmm. I think, before final judgment's made, there needs to be an introductory period between animal and amor, maybe a few playdates where rapport can be developed. After all, it's important to have a good relationship with EVERY member of the household, be it female or feline.
There are copious farms up in northern Indiana where I spent the weekend of the 4th. By patriotic coincidence, I was in the right place at the right time to take a gander at a litter of new-borne pot-bellied piglets born on independence day. Ironically, there was a goose chilling with the babies -- at least until I got near, at which point she made it clear they were HER babies (species be damned), but I was clever and managed to snatch one up before losing a finger/hand/nose. Definitely fewer kwacks [sic] and more hisses and (!) barks from an animal I never thought could so well imitate a pitbull. Having avoided bodily harm, though, I was amazed at my newfound porcine pal and even more amazed that it would undoubtedly grow up to lose a vast majority of it's attractiveness if pigguns happened to take after it's mother in pretty much any way. Nevertheless, this particular bundle was, at the time, unfathomably cute, bringing to mind memories of my mother's cats when they were just kittens. Convincing you of a piggy's place among pets is a goal for the future.
I'm disappointed I missed picnic o'clock. Hopefully there will be other opportunities for food and fun.
At 2:09 PM,
Eric said…
Shouldn't it be "KEWACS"? (Since the new systems are AEW, for Air Early Warning, while the old system, AWACS was for Air Warning and Control System. Just sayin'. I like to be precise with my acronyms.)
And don't forget: Tuesday, Mignight, Vid.
At 4:51 AM,
Kari Stevenson said…
Hello Eric, I suspect myself guilty of a drunken promise. I'd love to see you at midnight, Tuesday, at the Vid.
Also, you should e-mail me what we had been talking about. It's the Bloomington effect -- "Did I meet you after dark? Well then, my apologies, please let's start fresh. My name is..."
At 4:55 AM,
Kari Stevenson said…
Oh, marley. Kitteh knows immediately, or at least well-trained ones do. Many a cat will skulk under furniture when new humans arrive. Mine however, are more than happy to drop by on their evening rounds for a snif and a bit of snark and then off to visit the Antler-Man (a story to ask about over a beer or six).
I do appreciate your desire to establish a rapport with the members of the household -- this desire for a rapport would be read immediately by a well-raised kitteh -- you would face approval, even if it was mitigated.
Piknik O'Clock might be occurring again today if I have my druthers. I need to find parts of my sanity lost in my camping gear, and also figure out how the hell I broke the washer. Hrm. 3 a.m. is no time for engineering. I'll keep you posted.
Again, try as you might -- pigs are smelly and gross and are neither food nor pets except where proscuitto, bacon, and bratwurst are involved. nom. nom. nom.
At 12:57 AM,
Eric said…
hmmm. ok, that doesn't count. we need to spend some quality time together. i mean that literally. and i don't know your email.
by the way, did I tell you about great upcoming band/shows to see? friday, uncle fester's, 10:30/11ish, the coke dares, plus more. the coke dares are my fave local band. then on saturaday, also at fester's 10:30/11ish, metal in the microwave, push-pull, prizzy prizzy please. should be a good show. I recommend.
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