Important, for those of you who don't understand camp policy:
1) I can not leave site; it is against the rules.
2) My cell phone has zero reception on-site. This means, no texting, no voicemail checking, only using my cell phone as a phone-number repository.
3) If you have called, I haven't gotten your message, I don't know you called, and I can't return it.
4) There is wireless DSL. I check my e-mail at least three times a day. If it's important, e-mail me! Please!
5) I will have approximately four hours in town once a week. Every two weeks I may have 24 hours. This means, I will not be calling people when I am in town (unless you are a parent or grandparent, or possibly I owe you money.) It means I will be drinking like something drowned.
Please, do understand. Please, accept an e-mail rather than a phone call.
Left me a voicemail in the past three weeks? If it's important, you better write it down and e-mail me.
2) My cell phone has zero reception on-site. This means, no texting, no voicemail checking, only using my cell phone as a phone-number repository.
3) If you have called, I haven't gotten your message, I don't know you called, and I can't return it.
4) There is wireless DSL. I check my e-mail at least three times a day. If it's important, e-mail me! Please!
5) I will have approximately four hours in town once a week. Every two weeks I may have 24 hours. This means, I will not be calling people when I am in town (unless you are a parent or grandparent, or possibly I owe you money.) It means I will be drinking like something drowned.
Please, do understand. Please, accept an e-mail rather than a phone call.
Left me a voicemail in the past three weeks? If it's important, you better write it down and e-mail me.
At 3:55 PM,
Eric said…
Speaking of rules-- I don't know the proper etiquette for communicating via blog comments. Do I respond to an old post with my follow-up comments, or do I put comments on the latest entries? Life is so complicated! Please advise, one who is sage in the ways of blogging. (By the way, I'll put my follow-up in the old comments...)
At 4:24 AM,
Kari Stevenson said…
Feel free to comment where you will -- better to not do it next to older posts, it will take me much longer to find it!
Go ahead and comment on the most recent thing you can find, would be my conseil.
There are no rules, really, on the netarwebs. There's a great moderation policy on Fark that is always worth looking up though...
Also, Eric, I know I know you in real-world non0011100011 time. Would you help me remember which Eric you are? (I know, erm, 6?)
At 9:03 PM,
Eric said…
Heh. I've got the feeling that I could be anywhere from 0-3 of those Erics. You already have had trouble sorting out the me you've met in the daytime from the me you've met at night. There's also me from earlier comment posts. So, which of these three should I draw your attention to? (And the 0 comes from someone telling me you told him my name was Simon. Not sure that's true, but who knows...) I'm kinda enjoying my trifurcation, so I think I'll be bratty and unhelpful for a little while longer...
At 1:57 PM,
Kari Stevenson said…
You're horrible. If it's after dark and I've been drinking (as much as I had been before I ran off to camp and dried out)... vicious.
Anyway, Eric, I did recently also meet a Simon, but you don't look like Simon (I think). At least give me a hint of locale?
I give out my blog url more than my phone number, these days. It's more useful and less terrifying...
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