Pirate Misadventures in the Midwest

Saturday, June 21, 2008

In full, 03-10-06, 3:39 p.m.

Le Petit Prince [Mar. 10th, 2006|03:39 pm]
[Current Mood |a bit distressed ]
[Current Music |ani - ok ]

"... toi aussi, tu viens du ciel! De quelle planete es-tu?"
"... you too, you come from the heavens. From what planet are you?"

Apparently, Planet Hypocrite. I'd previously assumed everyone had already read about Ladder Theory. It turns out that that was a false assumption. For the edification of the previously unexposed:


I was a walking, talking, flirting example of the ladder theory last night. *sigh* This is where I mumble about societal constructs and how I'm helpless before them. Then I think about Marie Dariessecq's (what a name!) book Truismes and the consequences of subscribing to societal constructs (transformation a la Kafka, in this case).

I'm speechless with dismay at myself. There's nothing left to say.


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