Pirate Misadventures in the Midwest

Saturday, June 21, 2008

In full, 03-16-06, 4:44 a.m.

An open thank you letter to a rather formative person [Mar. 16th, 2006|04:44 am]
[Current Mood |hurting ]
[Current Music |tori - pieces ]

In many ways, people are shaped by their friends; what their friends expose them to in terms of music, media, people, ideas, experiences, etc. As my life is littered with examples of your influence, it only seemed proper to thank you.

Thank you:

For giving me a critical perspective on film. Exposure to such classics as A Clockwork Orange and Citizen Kane. For an intimate knowledge of Akira Kurosawa's oeuvre. Teaching me a higher level of film appreciation and analysis.

Thank you:

For food -- sushi appreciation and the curative properties of nabeyaki udon. For improved chopstick skills. A comprehensive exposure to freezer food. An expert's view on marshmallow presentation in rocky road ice cream. Deli-made pierogis.

Thank you:

For being a door to the more mundane world of video games, with a specialization in Nintendo products. I can hold my own in many a video game-centric conversation -- this I credit to you.

Thank you:

For diversifying my playlist. My soundtrack with you is so disastrously comprehensive that it is inescapable.

Thank you:

For teaching me that fiction is more than science fiction, and that the fantastical can be found in books outside of fantasy.

Thank you:

For inspiring in me a new fascination with the natural world and all its wonders. Every time I see a glamorous bug, or a glittering snake, or rescue a turtle, I will think fondly of you.

Thank you:

For showing me what a creative family is. I treasure the memory of my time at Montclair Court.

Thank you:

For leaving me so dependent that I would collapse without you; an act that would eventually teach me the depth of my inner strength.

Thank you.

Thank you for everything.

I have no regrets.


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