Pirate Misadventures in the Midwest

Saturday, June 21, 2008

In full, 02-21-06, 9:18 p.m.

Academically Frustrated [Feb. 21st, 2006|09:18 pm]
[Current Mood | cranky ]
[Current Music | le mai's rap selections ]

All scholarship is intrinsically flawed. There are no real concrete answers. Every study ever done has multiple systematic failings.

"This theory was accepted, until (name date) (name date) (name date) refuted his studies with a different perspective. This dominated the field until work by (name date) proceeded to question its applied variables. The questioning was continued by (name date) (name date name date) in a successive series of studies applying three primary cases. The flaws in the doctrine applied by (name date) as well as the vagaries of the cross-sectional data application of (name date) have created a renewed need for research in this field."

Everything I read sounds like that. For twenty pages.


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