Pirate Misadventures in the Midwest

Monday, September 22, 2008

wickedness, or evil rehab 1.0

I've promised a fellow pirate that we could enter Evil Rehab together in order to become better pirates, humans, etc. I'm not entirely sure what this entails, right now, besides costuming projects. However, given that I've been introduced to the Church of Google, I'm too spunky and thrilled to mind. I like this new list of 10 Commandments.

Also, STEAMPUNK for Requiem's Halloween party at Dante's. Because, any day that there is an excuse to be steampunk is always a good day, and a fancy party? May require that I finally mod that corset so I can breathe/dance (I know, not fair!).

Pirate Fest this weekend seems to be bringing a version of me in Belly Dance attire to coordinate with a fellow faire-goer. This is comic, because of prosewitch I've been feeling inadequate, even though I know she is a many-years-strong belly dancer of the professional variety. If nothing else, I may jingle, or at least glitter. Perhaps even an exposed belly button, heaven forfend.


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