Pirate Misadventures in the Midwest

Monday, August 07, 2006

Adventures in the Northwest

Project: Explain, in both standard English definitions and as applicable to dry eyes, the text on the Visine box that reads "irritation relief". Also, present an analysis as to why blue box is superior to the red box.
Complication: Your student speaks Turkish as a first language, and in spite of having an excellent grasp of grammatical mechanics of the English language, has missed a nuance or two along the way.

Also, deliver a lecture on the politics of the U.S. towards Native Americans from the 1800s to present, explaining reservation culture and tricksy tactics as well as the rise of the casino. Do so while watching said student attempt to drive you and the Buick Escalade off of several cliffs and into redwood trees. Do not use complicated grammar constructions.

Secondarily: Do not wince at the sixtieth homophobic comment made in reference to San Francisco. Do not protest at the recurring stream of misogynist and disrespectful commentary directed towards women. Explain the finer details of the idiomatic phrase, "to get lucky". Conjugate in context.


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